Shark Communication - Is Our Disconnect from Nature to Blame for Negative Interactions with Sharks?8/17/2014 Many divers in this episode showed a lack of awareness of their surroundings. If sharks wanted to kill us, in theory, each of those divers should have died. If you are a surfer, how many times have you seen a shark swim past you without harming you? Prior to this video, had you considered that the shark might be trying to communicate through body language? I preach enough in the video, so instead I offer these questions for you to consider while watching the video: Do you think shutting down fishing at the Manhattan Beach Pier is good? Is it fair? How much responsibility are we willing to take for our behavior contributing to positive or negative results with animals in the wild? Did you know sharks are usually more afraid of you then you are of them? How long did it take you to spot the great white sharks when they swam deep, using their counter-shading to blend in, compared to when they were in shallower water on exposing their sides and belly? Obvious, yet overlooked. Ocean Ramsey points out that sharks can't bark or growl; they use body language. |