Below are excerpts from my one hour interview with Dr. Christopher Neff as well as the interview in its entirety.
Killing sharks is good politics
In this segment Dr. Neff introduces his own history of studying shark mitigation, predicts the 2014 WA cull, and explains that killing sharks is a political platform for election much more than an issue of actually protecting people. |
The Theory of the Rogue Shark
Do "rogue sharks" exist? Rogue sharks, are sharks that have supposedly developed a taste for humans and intentionally target us. It just so happens that I met and interviewed someone in South Africa who witnessed one of the rare occurrences of a white shark consuming a human. That particular area, Fish Hoek, has had two apparent consumptions. Does this mean there's a rogue shark in those waters? |
What's wrong with saying "shark attack?"
Lumping everything that is shark related, even just a sighting, under the category of an attack doesn't help a shark's reputation. But it also undermines our ability to assess risk and better protect ourselves. |
Full Interview
If you'd like to watch the uncut, one hour interview, here it is. One of my biggest regrets was the focus malfunction in this interview. You'll just have to forgive me and focus on his words, not my mistake. |