The full length videos that go along with today's Instagram post can be seen below.
Black Lives Matter...when it comes to recording shark incidents.
Sharks, Racism, and Coverups. Are the number of shark bites covered up in a massive conspiracy orchestrated by shark huggers?
Sure...the shark bite database includes people who weren't even given the respect of a name yet it was still deemed worthwhile to record the incidents. In order to make the video below (Victory Over Sharks) I had to research all the shark bite statistics databases that are available as well as consider the accusation that "many shark bites go unreported", which ultimately led to me discovering that not only are shark bites not going unreported, they were even reporting statistics of victims that you might suspect a country wrecked with racism wouldn't bother to report.
Sure...the shark bite database includes people who weren't even given the respect of a name yet it was still deemed worthwhile to record the incidents. In order to make the video below (Victory Over Sharks) I had to research all the shark bite statistics databases that are available as well as consider the accusation that "many shark bites go unreported", which ultimately led to me discovering that not only are shark bites not going unreported, they were even reporting statistics of victims that you might suspect a country wrecked with racism wouldn't bother to report.
When "the problem" we're battling against hovers been 1 and 0 annually how do we know when we've achieved a "victory over sharks"? This was the larger project that led to also making 'Sharks, Racism, and Coverups.'
And some final rants...
The practice of shark culling is a ridiculous as it sounds.
#sharkbite #racism #coverups #blacklivesmatter #doblacklivesmatter #victoryoversharks #sharkbites #statistics #sharkbitestatistics #coverups #conspiracies #sharkculling #southafrica