I found this nurse shark resting and filmed her from a distance for a long time (cut the footage so as not to bore everyone). Slowly I approached, but the shark was still disturbed by my presence and turned around. At one point she quickly moves toward me, but I don't move. I didn't know if they was an attempt to chase me off or what, but when I didn't react the shark swam off. Later I found the same shark and approached more carefully this time. Unfortunately, after several minutes other divers noticed me filming and approached, which scared the shark back in my direction. Again, it stopped next to me ( I did not physically stop the shark). This time I decided to react and began petting the shark lightly. Quite frankly it seemed to like it and stuck around letting me pet it for over a minute until more divers moved in behind me, at which point it moved off. Made me wonder if it was looking for interaction the first time it approached me or if it was trying to warn me off. Anyone with experience on this please comment.