What is Minion Cam? You're about to find out!
Invented by crew members on The Islander in Guadalupe, this little technique ended up providing some pretty cool footage! I expect we will see Shark Week copying this idea soon!
Bite footage by Fer Manini. All other footage by Skyler Thomas Music Tyler Newman and Youtube Epics #sharkbite #bitecam #baitcam #crittercam #fincam #sharkcam #guadalupe #whiteshark #greatwhiteshark #gopro #session #skylerthomas |
Shirts that appear in the video
Shark Minutes is a series of short video's from White Shark Video.
#minioncam #sharkminutes #whitesharkvideo #wsv #sharkvideos #skylerthomas
#minioncam #sharkminutes #whitesharkvideo #wsv #sharkvideos #skylerthomas