Learn a little more about sharks at 901 Columbus Cafe (White Shark Cafe, San Francisco) while enjoying $2 drafts and $3 wines. Local filmmaker, Skyler Thomas, will show his 2 minute film trailer and speak briefly on current issues facing the white shark. This will be followed by the presentation of brand new footage of diving in the open with great white sharks.
Wear a shark costume and receive your first beer free as well as a shark postcard. Also on display will be "Lucky" the 6 foot seal decoy bitten in half by a 17 foot white shark at the Farallon Islands.
7-8:30, Thursday the 24th. 901 Columbus Avenue. Free Entrance.
It's almost Halloween! Warm up by wearing a shark costume. We'll be filming the event and want it to go viral so the more shark people the better.
Join David McGuire and Shark Stewards the next night for another sharky event.
October 25 Sharks and Mermaids Benefit Party 6:30 PM- 10:00 PM Swim For Sharks Film Screening and Happy Hour, Drinks and food South End Rowing Club $25 Donation Suggested