"Government scientists" would like you to look at ten white shark deaths caused by orcas in ten years rather 1,000 white shark deaths in 10 years caused by government endorsed sources.
White sharks face a nearly impossible survival situation in South Africa, and the cause is not orcas.
Part 4 - Ecology and Common Sense.
All research papers can be found here What if we remove the arguments between the scientists and just look at common sense? What conclusions might you draw regarding the disappearance of white sharks in South Africa? This video uses an ecological approach to consider why an animal might leave an area it has utilized for a very long time. The ecological considerations lead to common sense conclusions. Sadly, the scientists who are in the news thanks to the orca hype seem to be completely disconnected from ecological concepts or are either ignoring these concepts because their government affiliation requires them to. Key concepts in this video: The anthropocentric pressure on the white shark population in South Africa is so extreme that even without the orcas the chances of these sharks ultimately surviving are very slim. Between calculations of the demersal shark long line fishery's white shark victims and the KZN shark nets annual average catches, somewhere in the range of 100 white sharks are killed EVERY YEAR in South Africa just from these two sources. By comparison, the orcas have killed 10 white sharks in 10 years. Remember, this is before even considering the white sharks killed by recreational fishermen or off-shore fishing fleets, whether targeted or not. But at the core of the issue is the removal of the food source. How can a species be expected to survive (or stay in an area) if its food source has been removed? It's pretty hard to survive without food. What a large percentage of the population fails to realize is that the white sharks in South Africa only feed on seals at the islands are relatively small portion of the year. The rest of the time they are in shore feeding on smaller sharks. The very sharks the fishing industry is targeting. It's sad that people whose very careers are owed to the white sharks are happy to sell out those very animals for government job security and a little extra fame by promoting the blame of the orcas. I've met Matt Dicken and Alison Towner and can tell you that they are scum human beings. Alison Kock is also scum, the only difference is I haven't met her. What they have in common is the exploitation of species, Towner and Kock jumping on board with OCEARCH when they came and killed and mutilated the sharks there for TV, while Dicken earns his paycheck from a company killing up to 40 white sharks a year. For those who want to dig deep, all the papers can be found at this link: https://www.whitesharkvideo.com/resea... This series is a piecemeal approach to tackling the different subtopics of this larger topic of blaming orcas for the disappearance of white sharks from the white shark capital of the world, thus I recommend the other videos in the series. Here is the full playlist: • Orca VS. Great White The bulk of the footage used in this video is from my 2007 and 2014 trips to South Africa’s cape coast. Maarten Jozef Billen contributed greatly to the 2014 trip by filming and taking photos, which both appear in this video along with my footage. Other images were taken from news articles. Music by Tyler Newman. #orca #whiteshark #southafrica #alisontowner #alisonkock #mattdicken #overfishing #natalsharksboard #skylerthomas #enricogenari |