As an alternative to the current focus and practices of Ocearch, I believe the following would be more directly beneficial to the species as well as to the ocean in general.
- Stop current tagging / sampling immediately.
- Use existing funds to create a small fleet of fast ships.
- Use future funds / donations to expand the fleet and pay crew of each fleet.
- Use fleets to patrol areas known to inhabit white sharks to chase off poachers, fishermen who “accidentally” catch the sharks, and use the fleets to patrol gillnets and longlines to free hooked / entangled sharks.
- Work with local governments to establish “no tolerance” policies that allow these fleets to engage any ship or individual suspected of foul play with sharks and actually prosecute.
- Stop claims that the data they are collecting is new, unprecedented, or any other false, yet catchy claims.
- Redirect current and future media / interviews toward the already existing data and those who provided this data, but have not been celebrated.
- Establish a television program that documents the
- Releasing of entangled / hooked sharks
- Boarding of illegal fishing operations
- Boarding of ships suspected to be carrying shark fins
- Take action against longlining, trawling, finning.
- Use staff and funds to actively campaign politically against each of these.
- Use press to bring the horrors of these fishing practices to a broader audience.
- On a more extreme level, sabotage / destroy longlines and trawlers.
- I say extreme because longling and trawling are actually legal, as horrifying as they may be.
- This would be good television and good for the species, ocean, and planet.